Family Culture
We prioritize employee growth, promote internal mobility and diversity. We have a formal policy against discrimination and actively support minority recruitment. All employees are given the opportunity to contribute and develop. We ensure fair compensation, prioritize well-being, and reward merit. Our onboarding programs emphasize our values and our commitment to sustainability, allowing new employees to get to know the company and what it stands for, right from the start of their new career at Carmeuse.

Education & Training
At Carmeuse, we push for the integration of a learning culture as a top priority in daily business operations. Therefore, we have implemented the GPS strategy: Grow, Perform, Succeed. This educational strategy is committed to help people grow, so they perform better and succeed at mastering different or valuable work-related skills.
In 2022, the average training hours per employee at group level was 31.2 hours/employee/year. Our target is ensure the amount of training hours is the same throughout the different parts of the company.
In North America, we provide apprenticeship programs in both the US and Canada. This is to support the development of skilled trades needed to run our plants, especially mechanical and electrical apprentices. We have also invested in simulator technology to improve the skill set of our equipment operators. We also use internships, across the globe, to develop talent across various functions such as engineering, HR and operations.

Our Goal: Zero Injuries
At Carmeuse, we strive for an interdependent safety culture: each individual is responsible for his own safety, but also cares for the safety of others. In all regions of the Group, we have been tracking the injury rate for many years.
The Recordable Injury rate shows that working in quarries or lime plants is not without risks. There was a positive evolution through 2019 that reversed in 2020 and 2021. In those years (and especially in 2021) the company experienced a setback, partially attributable to the added stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Tragically, we had 1 fatality in 2018 (US), 1 in 2020 (US) and 1 in 2021 (Thailand). This is a dramatic reminder that it is a challenging and never-ending journey. We acknowledge the need to focus and bringing the injury rate down in the coming years remains a top priority.
We are proud to say that some of our sites have been running over 10 years without accidents.

Employee wellness is a top priority for us. Our program focuses on promoting healthy lifestyles. Our wellness approach considers local cultures and customs. In the Americas, employees can earn ‘Vitality Points’ by exhibiting health behaviors and use the points to help reduce health care costs. We have also adopted the FISH Philosophy which aims to strengthen enthusiasm, commitment and confidence at work, by inspiring business leaders to create a positive culture and having fun at work.

State of Play 2023
The Sustainability State of Play gives us a clear picture of where we are today, but also where and how we can do better.
We’ll continue to use our collective energy to achieve our purpose and to shape a sustainable future for our company and communities.