Grow your business with us

Leading manufacturer of lime, limestone and mineral-based product, we provide reliable supply and help our customers to optimize their processes, improve safety, and reduce their carbon footprint.


Join our team

We are not just a company. We are a global family of nearly 5300 employees all connected by a strong sense of purpose.

Ready to join an organization where everyone can grow while being supported every step of the way?

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Solutions to meet your business needs

Carmeuse is an industry leader, not only with the variety of lime and limestone products we offer, but also with the customized equipment and engineering solutions we provide for your plant, storage, and product transfer needs.

Civil Engineering
soybean field
Agriculture, Feed & Food

Our solutions make the difference

At Carmeuse, our people make the difference and partner with you. We focus on your specific needs and get you the right solutions where and when you need it so that you never have to worry.

We care about our people and our communities

We commit to responsible and innovative practices for the benefits of our people and our communities.

header sdg
Sustainable Development Goals

Join a rock solid family

At Carmeuse, people rock. Come join a team where we encourage you to grow as an individual, to bring your energy, share your ideas, and to make an impact on our company's future.

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